Founding Contributors

These are the people who have over the last 21 years held the vision.  Fairydust Productions, Inc. would not exist without their enthusiasm, patience, keen listening, imagination & support.  I am forever grateful.

Heart to heart and soul to soul,


David Nixon

CEO & Business Strategist
Gemini Hive

30 years Business Consulting in the casual games industry.  Without his guidance in the real world of business Fairydust would not have happened.

Lynn Doupsas

Founder & CEO
Lynn Doupsas Consulting
& Mindset Reboot

25+ year experience in Corporate Change Management & Business Consulting.  She has been the midwife for Fairydust Productions, Inc.

Jim Harvey

President, Opus 111 Group

Financial Consulting and guidance.  The man who made me realize that Fairydust Productions, Inc. is real.

Jenn Seeger

Online Marketing & Business Coach

Technology wizard and master. exists because of her and our synergy.  She truly gets me!

Leah Sinclaire

Numerologist & Alignment Consultant

Her brilliant mastery put us on the right path time & time again.

Diana Sheridan


Business Consultant & Strategist, 40+ years as an entrepreneur and business owner.  Diana has always believed in me and is my greatest fan.

Barbara Leary

Artist & Consultant

The keeper of the Fairydust vision and Suzie's sanity.

Jose Maria

Curator Extraordinaire

Specializing in creativity, travel, costume design & manufacturing.  He has kept me laughing when I needed it desperately.

JC Polk

Producer, KPBS

A true believer and cheerleader whose unrelenting support has been essential.